De online exhibitie voor abstracte, geabstraheerde, moderne en hedendaagse schilderkunst
Online exhibitie voor moderne schilderkunst
Db Waterman
Geschilderd door Db Waterman

Lady day

Lady day geschilderd door Db Waterman

Billie Holiday ( Lady Day ) was born in Philadelphia, on april 7th 1915.
She was an american jazz singer and songwriter.
She claimed that she never sang a note, even though people wanted her to. Holiday was a seminal influence on jazz and pop singing. Her vocal style, strongly inspired by
jazz instrumentalists, pioneered e new way of manipulating, phrasing and tempo.
Above all she was admired for her deeply personal and intimate approach to singing.

All of my artworks are inspired by weathered walls with posters, peeling paint and all kinds of things in dilapidation.
I try to create something new, something beautiful with these elements.

Geschilderd door
Db Waterman


Totale grootte
120 x 80 cm

Gemaakt op
Augustus 2017

Grijs / Rood


€ 2.300,-

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Kunst impressie
Een globale impressie van het schilderij "Lady day" 120x80cm.

Andere schilderijen van Db Waterman

Six month leave
64 x 46 cm

62,5 x 48 cm

Girl wandering
30,5 x 48,5 cm

Thoughts collection
44 x 62 cm

Me and my pal
40 x 50 cm

Desert trail
25,3 x 36,7 cm

48 x 62 cm

74 x 53 cm

Sunday swing
49 x 63 cm

Thursday Swing
48 x 63 cm